Who Am I Essay: Essential Tips You Should Consider

Of all the creatures that live on the planet, only people can engage in self-reflection and ask themselves questions such as “Who am I?” Other animals do not even think about self-identification. Instead of asking questions, tigers, horses, and monkeys simply try to survive in this world and leave posterity after themselves.
This is how people differ from animals. We constantly pose new questions and look for answers to them. If we feel something, we try to find a logical explanation for this. All human habits and character traits must have their own premises. That is why professors often give students essays on “Who am I?” topic. This is the paper that will help you analyze your personality. There are things you do right. There are difficulties that you have to face. In the process of writing this paper, you will learn a lot about yourself. And we are ready to help you with this.
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Why Do You Need to Write Who Am I Essay
You may need an essay on “Who am I?” topic in several cases: for college, personal statement, volunteer biography, work resume. Some people write such papers exclusively for themselves. And if this is your case, you cannot limit yourself to any rules or requirements.
But if you are still talking about an essay for a college or work, you need to think about its structure and organization. This is the paper that should provide the selection committee or future employer with the complete picture of your personality. Your essay should not just show what kind of person you are. It should convince you that you are the best candidate. So, our advice on how to write Who I essay will be useful to you.
Top-Notch Ideas to Impress Your Readers With Who Am I Essay
We are sure that you are a very interesting and impressive person. But your future college or employer is not yet aware of this. Even the most interesting book needs a bright binding for readers to notice. Therefore, we have prepared good advice that will become such binding for you.
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Be honest
Imagine yourself in the admissions officers’ or hiring managers’ shoes. Every day they are forced to face a large number of written assignments. This means that they can easily suspect insincerity. In addition, any facts can be verified. Do not try to come up with a different personality, promote yours.
Write about what you love
Passion is what fills an essay with good energy. This mood is sure to pass on to your readers. If you are going to apply to a nursing school, you need to write about why you like taking care of other people.
Remember an interesting story
You can write Who I am an essay solely for introspection. But if you are writing for the audience, make sure that you take this into account in your writing process. Think about what story from your life can interest the admissions committee.
Be creative
During the educational process, you will often come across academic papers that have certain rules. But Who am I essay is a creative and creative paper? Of course, this does not mean that you should not structure the paper, but you can do it your own way. Remember that this essay is intended to reveal your personality.
Embellish a bit
This does not mean that you should not be sincere. But Who am I essay is a great opportunity to hide my weaknesses a bit and emphasize the benefits? It’s like making a make-up, drawing attention to your inner beauty.
Do not repeat
Most likely, you write Who I am an essay along with sending a resume or application for a curriculum. This means that you already had the opportunity to write about your grades, previous work experience, sports competitions. You should not describe this information again. Personality is more than figures and facts. Show that you deserve attention.
Don’t brag
Of course, you should present yourself in a favorable light, show that you have certain achievements and advantages. But this is no reason to be arrogant. Surely you have come a long way to be where you are. Describe it.
Show your perspective
Readers of your essay want to learn not only about your past. They want to see what perspective you can offer. If you are working on the development of any skills or planning to learn new directions, it is worth mentioning this. Think about how you see yourself in a few years. What will help you to come to this?
Read your paper one more time
Proofreading will allow you not only to get rid of mistakes but also to evaluate what impression your essay makes. Once you finish the writing process, forget about your essay for a couple of days. Take a rest and read it again. What aftertaste do you have left? Would you like to chat with such a person? If you feel that you did everything right, feel free to send your paper!
What to Write about and What to Avoid in Who Am I Essay
There is another good idea for your essay. You can choose a specific topic that sets the vector for the whole paper. This will allow you not to describe your whole life, but to focus on a specific direction. Below you will find a list of suitable and inappropriate topics.
5 topics you should consider writing the Who am I paper
- Your achievements. This is a proven option that is guaranteed to help you succeed. But not every achievement is able to impress. Remember something that took you time and effort.
- Error correction. All people love stories of failure and success. Therefore, you can talk about some mistakes from your life that significantly influenced the further course of events. Surely your worldview has changed. Describe this process.
- Dramatic change. Just like success stories, people love dramatic successes. A headline like “From a Millionaire to a Volunteer” will surely attract a large number of readers. If there have been dramatic, dramatic turns in your life, you can use this to your advantage.
- Leadership experience. This is normal if you feel a lack of leadership skills. Each person has his own talents. But if you know how to build a team, manage team spirit, and unite people around an idea, be sure to describe it. Illustrate your words with examples from life.
- Doubts. Who am I? This is a question that does not immediately allow you to find the answers. Before you reach the final point, you will go through a large number of doubts and hesitations. Describe this path in your essay.
5 Who am I topics you should avoid
- Other people. Surely you are surrounded by a lot of good people. They have contributed to the development of your personality. But they are not you. These are other people, each of whom has his own story. You can mention them in your essay, but remember that the main character in this story is you.
- School success. If you go to college, you can write about your school, as this is probably your only experience. But if several years have already passed, the school should remain in the past. Your personality is changing and developing, use it for your paper.
- Philosophy. When you write Who I am an essay, it is very easy to move away from the topic and begin to philosophize. But you are not an idea or a concept. You are a person with a real character, qualities, actions. Writing such an essay, you are not looking for the meaning of life but analyze your personality.
- Sports success. Even if the sport is your hobby, do not think that it is interesting to all people. Of course, you can use this to your advantage; for example, describe how sporting events have helped you develop certain character traits and skills.
- Politics and religion. These are not topics that should be addressed in such essays. You do not know the views of the person who will read your paper. And if you have a different opinion from this, you can just spoil the overall impression of your personality.
Use this for your inspiration. You can always seek professional writing help and buy a paper written by an experienced author.
Who am I essay example you can consider
Of course, you can read the essays of other students, but do not think that this is a panacea. Someone else’s ideas can confuse you. Read 1-2 examples, but no more. Better focus on your own story. This is what will help you succeed.
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