Want to Nail your Dissertation Discussion With Ease?

Your dissertation is the most important paper that allows you to summarize all the learning outcomes. This means that you should make an effort to make it truly informative. Consider this your last leap before starting a successful career.
Since the dissertation is a rather voluminous paper, it consists of several sections. One of the most significant is a dissertation discussion. Why is it needed? This is a great opportunity for you not only to demonstrate the results of your research but also to show that they are important and relevant. In this section, you will explain and evaluate the findings of the study, link them to the main questions and literature reviews, and provide final supporting arguments.
Also Read: How To Create Introduction For Dissertation
Honestly, many students have some difficulty preparing this paper. Some have poor writing skills, and others cannot set aside enough time to prepare a really good section. Therefore, we decided to prepare for you a detailed article that will facilitate the task and answer the basic questions of students. If this is not enough, order a dissertation discussion writing. Professional authors have the necessary knowledge and experience to provide you with the A-grade paper!
4 Aspects of Any Dissertation Discussion
Starting to write this section, you should remember about 4 main aspects:
- Interpretation. Explain what the results that you received in the course of your research mean.
- Effects. Are your results important? Why? Will they have a positive or negative impact?
- Limitations: What information is missing in your results?
- Recommendations: What kind of research or practical action can you recommend to those who will recreate your research?
In fact, discussion and conclusion have much in common. Some professors recommend combining these two sections into one. This means that they can overlap. If you are not sure which structure is best for your paper, check out examples of other students in your field or ask your supervisor a question.
Also Read: Come Up with Short But Informative Dissertation Conclusion
Below you will find some important advice and 12 steps you need to nail the outstanding dissertation discussion.
Summarize your key findings
Remember your research problem. You need to mention this again with a summary of the main findings.
Of course, you should not again literally repeat all the data that you already mentioned in other sections. This paragraph should be devoted to a brief and clear general statement of the result, which is the answer to your main question.
Provide your interpretations
You can take your results as something obvious. But this is not enough. Your reader should also understand their significance, how exactly they answer the questions that you originally posed to yourself.
There is no universal form for interpretations; each type of research has its own characteristics. But we can highlight several typical approaches. Use them:
- Search for correlations, relationships between data, models
- Discussion of how the results met your expectations and proved your hypotheses
- Structuralizing of the obtained results regarding theoretical information and other studies
- Explain the causes of unpredictable results and assess their importance
- Alternative explanations and argumentation of their position.
If you have already written a section with the results of your dissertation, you can use the same structure to prepare a discussion on key issues, topics, and hypotheses. Another good idea is to identify the most important results or those that were completely unexpected.
Discuss the implications
In fact, it’s not enough just to provide readers with your personal interpretations. You need to find a connection between your results and a review of the literature. A discussion of your research paper will show how your research complies with existing theoretical information. Here are some questions you can ask yourself:
- Are your results consistent with previous studies? If so, what kind of fundamentally new information do they bring?
- Is there a great difference between your findings and those of other studies? If so, why?
- How can results confirm or refute a theory?
- Are there any practical consequences of the findings?
Writing a dissertation discussion section, it’s important for you to show the reader what exactly influenced your research and why it is really important.
Indicate limitations
There is no study that would have absolutely no limitations. And if you honestly label them, it will make your paper more authoritative. It is important to understand that the limitations are usually not related to your mistakes. Rather, they flow from what your research allows and does not allow.
Limitations may be associated with the choice of a particular methodology, the overall design of the study, obstacles that arose unexpectedly. Identify those that directly impacted your research goals.
For example, if you got a small sample limited to a certain group of interviewees, you should describe it in your paper. This limits the generalizability of your research.
If problems arose at the stage of data collection and analysis, describe how they were caused and what impact they had on the final result of the study.
Provide some recommendations
After conducting and discussing your research, you can give recommendations to your readers. If they want to do further research or put yours into practice, they will be able to use this paragraph to their advantage.
For example, if you encounter certain limitations, you can analyze them and prepare some suggestions for further research. Make sure your ideas are concrete and useful enough. These may be tips that you personally lacked at the stage of preparing your dissertation.
12 Essential Steps to Write a Perfect Dissertation Discussion Section
It is very important to make this section concise and sweet. But this does not mean that you should ignore his main task. All your conclusions should be fully described, explained, proven. Make sure that you do not just rewrite the information from the previous sections in other words, but provide new, useful data. Of course, you cannot write an ideal dissertation. Nobody can. But you can create the most informative and useful document for your readers.
The following 12 steps will help you succeed with this task.
- Always think about the structure of your section. Starting the discussion, start with the concrete and then move on to the general.
- The tone of the paper should be common in the introduction and in the dissertation discussion. Read your introduction again, determine which keywords you used, what other features. Your point of view must be identical.
- Begin your first paragraph with a paraphrase of the main research question. If you have a hypothesis, state it. Then you can present to the readers the answers that you have found during your research.
- Explain the relationship between the results of the study and your initial expectations, as well as existing theories. Your readers should clearly understand why your results are acceptable. Be sure to use quotes to support your position.
- Regardless of how statistically significant your results are, you need to comment on all of them. What really matters is their connection to your main research questions.
- During the study, you probably discovered certain patterns, principles, and key relationships for each of the results. You need to submit them in the dissertation discussion section. Start by formulating the answer, proceed to the relevant results, and citing reliable sources. You can also refer to tables, graphs, numbers to make your arguments more convincing.
- Do not forget to defend your point of view. Each of your answers must have a justification. If you analyze other people’s answers, show their flaws. Such a broad view of the problem will make your paper more authoritative.
- Make sure you find some conflicting results. Discuss and rate them. This will inspire confidence in the audience.
- You will surely face different surprises in the research process. And you need to write them down. Describe any results you did not expect to receive. Comment on why they are important for your research and how they can affect future work. You do not need to make excuses and apologize to readers.
- Write a summary of the main consequences of your research. Statistical significance again does not play a role. Provide helpful recommendations that other scientists can use.
- Show that the results of your research have a value and a certain influence on the problems that you wanted to solve, starting your research.
- In conclusion, get rid of everything that is irrelevant. This section should be extremely short and specific. No water and unnecessary chatter.
If the dissertation discussion section is causing you any difficulties, do not rush to despair. This is really not an easy task. It takes a lot of time, which you can just waste in vain. You surely have other educational assignments, some work issues of just time for yourself. Order a dissertation or a specific section to free up a few days for more enjoyable tasks. Rely on professional writing service, and you will get an amazing result that will exceed your expectations!
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