Working Techniques to Manage Covid19 College Essay

The pandemic started and influenced the lives of everyone. It made people change their plans and adapt to a new global situation. Due to the pandemic, the educational process also needed to adjust its curriculum to continue the studying procedures. Students, in their turn, are worried about the application process and start wondering if there are any changes implemented.
Thus, the question arises, “Should I touch upon the COVID-19 issue in a personal statement?” and students seek answers. In the article, we will discuss the need to incorporate COVID-19 discussion in a personal statement. Let’s get started and give answers to the most required questions from the students.
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Covid-19: Do I Need to Write About It in My Statement?
The pandemic caused a lot of damage to people around the world. Thus, if the issue touched you or was present in your life, or you simply can’t stand aside when the world is engulfed by the virus, you can write about COVID-19 though the issue is controversial. In some cases, it would be appropriate to choose this topic as the main theme for your essay. The admission board won’t object to it. But some universities and programs don’t consider the idea successful. They are in favor of other topics to be chosen as the mainline for the college essay.
What is a personal statement? It’s writing featuring your personal experience. It has to develop a compelling topic and tell catchy facts about your personality. Tons of students applying for the same program or university have had similar COVID-19 experience. Thus, there will be lots of more or less similar stories that may bore the committee. If you want to make them remember your COVID-19 essay, you will need to put in a lot of effort.
What’s more, admission managers have been accepting the essays for a couple of months now. They’ve already got acquainted with so many COVID-19 statements. Your story will hardly impress the readers unless you tell something extraordinary and impressive. The essay focusing mainly on COVID-19 has a similar scenario featuring the reasons, consequences on your life, and a story about how you managed the impact of the virus. This is one point of view popular in the academic writing world these days. But we aren’t supposed to discourage you from writing. There’s a flip side of the same situation.
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You can find institutions where the COVID-19 writing will increase your chances to get enrolled successfully. You can accentuate your great performance during the quarantine and mention how beneficial it was for your professional skills. Any useful experience must be mentioned in the essay. Perhaps, you learned a new language or found an interesting topic for investigation.
In some cases, you will have a separate section for the COVID-19 discussion. You will have about 300 words to express your thoughts considering the pandemic, and the reflections won’t damage the overall quality and impression of the paper. In this prompt, the students are supposed to express their ideas and allocate some space for other topics. Thus, you have enough room for describing topics not related to the virus.
Useful Tips to Handle the COVID-19 Essay
Apply the following tips when writing the essay:
- If you choose the topic as the leading line in the essay, you need to make up a so-called outline. If you don’t think over the plan beforehand, you will hardly impress the admissions board with mediocre writing. To make the readers impressed by the text, you need to perform your experience from the correct viewpoint. Try not to say that your life has been awful, dusting the pandemic. You shouldn’t also say that your case is the most severe among all the other situations. You only need to choose the major event or issue to talk about and present it to the point.
- When writing about the Coronavirus pandemic, you need to produce a well-developed story. You can’t simply list the number of facts. If you were lucky to avoid severe damage from the virus, you should accentuate the attention of the committee on other things. For example, mention how well you performed during the online classes or how many useful undertakings you were involved in. It will make the board interested in your candidacy.
- Plan your text. You can leave it alone or put little effort into the writing process. Your success depends on the COVID-19 essay. What’s more, there will be lots of similar examples from other applicants. Therefore, your task is to develop a decent plan with illustrative examples to interest the board.
Avoid the following tips when writing the essay:
- Do you know the nature of the virus? Why does it happen to us? If you have any suggestions or you want to express your idea considering this issue, you should better leave the reflections for better times. There’s no clear answer to these questions. Neither scientists nor historians or politicians explained the phenomenon of the COVID-19. You may be close to the truth, but the thing is that nobody asks you to share your opinion on the virus’s nature. You may reach the adverse effect and irritate the board with your suggestions. In a personal statement, your task is to tell a personal story and not to touch upon global political or social issues. Furthermore, this information would sound awkward and even redundant. The admission board is experiencing the same realia as you are, so explaining the context would be a weird mistake.
- Pandemic made it almost impossible to study offline. Students need to take online classes, work with cameras, and online lectures. For many of us, it causes considerable inconveniences. But it doesn’t mean that you need to dwell on it in the essay. You can mention a few words to express your negative thoughts about the whole process. But developing the issue isn’t the best idea. It isn’t a massive challenge, but rather a temporary issue.
- If you don’t want to sound childish, you should think twice before talking about simple things as massive challenges. Having no opportunity to visit a summer camp isn’t a problem. It won’t either seem problematic for the admissions board. If you’ve decided to dwell on the COVID-19 topic, try to choose real examples to exemplify your personal qualities.
COVID-19 Essay: How to Write the Statement Correctly
We have already discussed the necessity of the topic in personal statement writing. You’ve also figured out what are the tips for applying when writing the paper. Now let’s get to the actual writing.
Don’t Write Too Much
You should always remember that you have limited space for the essay. So, instead of a broad introduction, you’d better say in brief about the topic and then move to the main content. Your task is to prove that the pandemic affected your life and plans the most. You need to state how you managed the stress and benefited from the time spent far from people. If you start complaining about the difficulties, you will lose this academic completion. Stay true about the events that happened in your life. Let us say it one more time: if you don’t have what to write about, it’s better to choose another topic.
Don’t Leave the Reader Without a Logical Chain of Information
Whatever topic you choose, you need to provide the reader with details. In the case of the COVID-19 issue, you will have to say a few words about its impacts on your personal life and then discuss the relevant details. Perhaps, the measures to prevent the pandemic growth helped you to understand something. Remember how you spent the time at home. Maybe, this extra time inspired you to dedicate yourself to an important undertaking.
Give Specific Examples
If you choose to talk about the pandemic, you probably have what to talk about. You need clear examples to impress the reader and make them continue with the reading. Choose one or two examples and give details to help the committee understand why this experience played a role in your life. Try to avoid using general phrases or referring to the examples of other people. It is your story. If you start using the experience of the people in your essay, the board won’t consider it good and well-thought-out writing.
Time to Sum It All Up
Writing a personal statement on COVID-19 is a risky decision. You need to take into account lots of aspects. If you’re sure about the topic and you know what to say to the public, feel free to share your thoughts on the paper. But if you have any doubts, it’s better to think twice and get prepared better to manage the writing.
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