Top Tips To Help You Create A College Application Essay And Impress The Admissions Office

Mark Twain, who gave the world the adventurous and courageous Tom Sawyer, once said: “To achieve something, there is one secret – to start.” The famous writer knew from experience that sometimes getting started is the hardest part. To make your writing process more accessible, we’ve created a list of tips on how to write a college admission essay.
The whole secret is to choose an exciting essay story. Are you afraid that you have selected the wrong example from your personal life, that your work will seem dry and unnatural, that no one will remember it? To remove these doubts, read our tips to help you develop a story that the admissions committee will highly appreciate.
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Explore What the Admissions Committee is Looking For
Each educational institution puts something of its own in the concept of “the best applicant.” Yet everyone, without exception, hopes that you will become the one who will glorify them: will become the founder of excellent companies, public organizations that will change the world for the better or receive the Nobel Prize. Such graduates not only strengthen their reputation but also make significant charitable contributions.
Colleges are a kind of investment fund in human capital. They place “bets” just like people who invest in startups. Therefore, colleges have subtle and sensitive mechanisms for choosing an investment object. Do your grades, the results of standardized tests that test your potential, matter? Many of you think this way: “The admissions committee believes that if I showed good results in the tests, in the future, I would also keep at a high level.” But the truth is that the commission does not seriously consider the assessments.
We recommend looking at the statistics about the average score on standardized tests for those who enroll in this program. It would help if you didn’t try to surpass everyone and reach the maximum – leave your energy for more important things. Namely, find out what the college requirements are for applicants.
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Take A Week To Come Up With The Perfect Example
Many American colleges ask students to write about what difficult situation they experienced, how they got out of it, how it affected them. Do not hurry. Write down on a piece of paper those moments that most influenced you as a person. Next, identify those qualities that you value in yourself. Look, in which of the written situations, you especially respect those traits in you.
Don’t Be Afraid To Write About Your Failures
Many students write essays about their health difficulties, family tragedies, or financial problems. If these situations affected you the most, you could talk about them too. If you have always lived in a complete, healthy family with a good income, you should not invent unrealistic stories. After all, each of us had big and small disappointments. Small difficulties and obstacles often play a colossal role in the development of your personality. The main thing is to write the truth. Only in this way, your story will be close to the reader.
Secret Mission CV and How to Implement It
The purpose of a CV and essay is to showcase your bio beyond grades and tests. They are even more significant than ratings. Please don’t make the classic mistake of too much text. The commission will not read your finest CV by as much as ten pages. Use your CV to understand who you are and what you are about in 30 seconds. Therefore, in these 30 seconds, you need to explain to people why you are the best applicant. In your CV, people will look for what you have accomplished.
Failures, Misfortunes, or Tragedies
Tell the admissions committee how you acted and what qualities you have that helped you move forward. The admissions committee is looking for exactly these episodes in your text. They help you understand what kind of person you are, how you differ from others.
Give Preference to Important Experiences
Colleges in the United States are also often asked to write an essay about a significant experience that helped you in life, a person who inspired you, or an achievement that helped you develop. In this case, write down on a piece of paper all the important people in your life or achievements you are proud of. Simultaneously, draw the reader’s attention to those characteristics that helped you achieve the result you would like to acquire. Focus on them, and not on biographical data from your life or the path to success of your favorite star.
Write an Essay That Mark Zuckerberg Will Envy
Many students over the years of study have not learned how to write an essay. And in vain! This is a fantastic opportunity to improve your application. The essay should highlight those traits of your character that standardized tests will not show in any way. The goal is to show what kind of person you are and to emphasize your goals.
- An essay needs the main story.
- Each paragraph should have one key message.
- The first and last paragraphs of the essay should overlap – there should be thoughts on the same topic.
In an essay, you must characterize yourself favorably. Your story should be impressive, and there should be something serious about it. It is also worth understanding how the selection committee works. Specialists first read all materials. Then the selection committee sits down in a circle and begins to select their best candidates. Each specialist chooses about 30 best stories and begins to describe them – they briefly explain why college should take this entrant. Hence write a story that a specialist can physically retell to others.
Hide the hook at the beginning of the story. You have only 2-3 suggestions to hook the reader. Grab the reader’s attention, rip through the patterns, shock them skillfully. Write original and cool in these first three sentences. Please don’t overdo it: pushing pity is a recipe for failure.
Write about Specific People
If you are asked to describe a person who inspires you, write about one close to you. For example, singer Adele may inspire you because she is attentive to her fans, copes with all sorts of difficulties, and puts her soul into her music. Many students are very fond of using their parents as an example. The compositions become sincere and also correspond to the American tradition of standing up for your family.
Don’t Focus Only On Formal Achievements
When you write about your victories, there is no need to despair if you cannot boast of an Olympic medal. Everyone understands that completing high school and the decision to enter college is already a huge achievement. Think about the moment that made you happy. Remember what you have been preparing for a long time and hard, how worried you are. When was the last time you felt relief, joy, pride in yourself? For some, the achievement is to enroll in an acting studio to become less withdrawn, for someone – to save money and go on a real journey to the country of their dreams for the first time.
Destroy the Biggest Enemy – Abstractness
When your application is ready, imagine yourself as an insufferable critic. The problem most often students encounter in an essay is the abstractness of the application. Destroy it by any means. No one needs reflections about the country and the future. Remember that specifics and facts are expected of you.
It would be helpful for you to voice a great ambition in your application. Do not write that you want to become a good doctor. Write what problem of humanity you want to solve. Yet don’t let it look like science fiction.
External Recommendations – Your Additional Victory
Let’s be honest: an essay with ten pages of text does not allow you to get to know a person. Yet recommendations play an extremely important role: they allow other people who have seen you in different situations to assess an objective.
Emphasize the Strengths of Your Personality
Choose what the essay has to say about you: 2-3 character traits that will resonate in people’s hearts. This will differentiate you from other candidates.
Example Successful College Application Essay
We’ve put together a sample of a successful medical college admission essay. Get inspired by it and find your theme, tone, style:
“One of the most critical issues in the life of every person is the question of choosing a profession. The future of a person, his well-being, his life path depend on him. The profession should give a person pleasure and be his vocation. I decided on my future profession. I want to become a doctor and, with great dedication, help people cope with diseases, give care and understanding, and save lives.
I dreamed of becoming a doctor since childhood. I loved treating animals when they suffered at the hands of ill-wishers. Also, one of the reasons for my choice of this profession is my aunt’s specialty. She has been working as a pediatrician in a hospital for many years. Yes, she has complex shifts. But despite this, my aunt loves her job and helping children. I have always enjoyed listening to stories related to her profession.
A doctor is a very noble and humane profession. It requires the ability to empathize with the patient, treat him with love, take his suffering to heart, and not be indifferent. Each doctor must be responsible and attentive, have excellent knowledge of medicine, use them competently, have a good understanding of diseases, understand their causes, and prescribe the correct treatment. Hard work and curiosity are vital for this profession. I also have these features.
I am not frightened or stopped by the difficulties of this profession. I am very interested in medicine. I set a goal for myself and did everything to achieve it. I study chemistry and biology diligently at school, at home, and with a tutor. I am ready to work hard and improve my knowledge to achieve my goals and become an excellent doctor in the future. I believe that your college can give me the knowledge I need and make my dream come true.“
The Final Insight
College application is a very exciting moment for everybody. This period of life may even define the future of a person. That is why, in college application essays you need to show the desire to enter the chosen college. If you feel stressed about this, but want to avoid the mistakes, delegate the papers to our professionals. Place an order right now and our team will gladly assist you!
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