Coalition Essay Prompts Applicants

You need the Coalition essay if you are going to apply to college via the MyCoalition online platform. It is a free online platform designed for colleges and presented in 2016. One of its main advantages is the option for a student to enter personal data, information about the school classes, GPA, results of the tests, etc. into one area, save it there and use this set to apply to all schools. An essay is a part of the set as well.
Some colleges accept only Coalition App admissions, for example, the University of Florida, the University of Maryland, also the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Washington. In general, Coalition App is supported by 111 schools in 24 states, plus Washington D.C.
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The system will determine the prompt of an essay that the student will need to compose and its size. It will be the first step before starting to write that essay to learn which platform you will have to use.
Why You Need to Write an Admission Essay
The main reason why colleges want these essays is that they want to know more about their applicants. Of course, it is impossible to get the full profile of a person via the short text of 400-500 words, but it helps. It is not enough to just have a great GTA anymore. You need to present yourself to the college, like in the future doing job interviews.
Essays can help the college admission committees to see what their potential students are interested in and what they have already achieved. Besides, there is one more meaningful factor: an essay shows the writing skills of the candidates, their language and the ability to express themselves through words.
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It would be most unwise to treat the application essay flippantly. Fortunately, the Coalition essay prompts are public, so, everybody can choose the most suitable prompt to prepare and compose an essay showing the best sides of the personality.
Current Coalition Essay Prompts for the Applicants
These essay prompts are both universal and timely. Even other schools that do not work with this platform ask their candidates to compose the admission essay basing on one of the prompts which Coalition App offers. The average length of an essay should be about 400 words, so, they all must be chosen wisely and tell as much of you as possible.
Coalition Application offers five essay prompts, four of them are defined properly, and the fifth prompt is “free”, there you can write about anything you find interesting and appealing to you as a person.
1. “Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it.”
It is a general theme which gives you great freedom of choice. Your experience had to include different incidents, you may choose both positive and negative examples if you think they had an impact on you. Choose one to present properly, because you have only about 400 words. Avoid general phrases and be specific instead, tell about things that influenced your life.
2. “Describe a time when you made a meaningful contribution to others in which the greater good was your focus. Discuss the challenges and rewards of making your contribution.”
This is a more specific topic. The committee would like to know what things are the greater good for you. Describe the case which was essential for you. Good ideas can be possessed from your experience of the non-school activity, maybe volunteering. However, even if you have all the reasons to be proud of your deeds, remain humble.
3. “Has there been a time when you’ve had a long-cherished or accepted belief challenged? How did you respond? How did the challenge affect your beliefs?”
This prompt wants you to compose a character study of yourself. The admissions committee wants to learn from it what are your personal beliefs, and if you are open-minded to listen to accept other opinions. You have an opportunity to express your thoughts about social or political phenomena, though it is not obligatory if you don’t want to touch these themes. Besides, the members of the committee are also people with their own beliefs, and some of them might not support your decisions. So, consider this.
4. “What is the hardest part of being a teenager now? What’s the best part? What advice would you give a younger sibling or friend (assuming they would listen to you)?”
This offers you to express your ideas on three different subjects in fact. You might get by with two of them. Of course, you can cover all three if you wish. There is one catch in this prompt – it is concentrated on the “now”. So, you are encouraged to talk about cutting-edge technologies, social changes and their impact on the teen’s daily life. You are supposed to write about yourself, remember, so, tell about the things which matter most for you as a teenager. If you are not a teenager – for example, you want to apply for the second higher education – you still can choose this prompt and tell what you think about the modern teenagers and their life challenges.
5. “Submit an essay on a topic of your choice.”
This is the possibility to choose your prompt and share your thoughts about anything. Still, the main recommendation is the same: you should write about what you know and what you feel deeply. Make sure to structure the text properly, so that the readers would easily follow your ideas and your logic.
How to Write a Coalition Essay
The prompts of the Coalition essays are nothing like rocket science. You won’t need any specific researches, the aim is to tell about yourself, share some experience which can represent your personality and also make it so that the college would remember your application and want to invite you on campus.
General Recommendations on Working with the Coalition Essay Prompts
- Present yourself as a unique person. There are many school graduates with high marks, volunteers and great sportsmen of the world championship level and even winners. You are not supposed to hide such details, however, don’t rely on them only. Besides, this information is already known to the college, they would not need reading to it once more. Concentrate on some specific things which differentiate you and tell a story, do not just list facts about your achievements.
- Don’t try to pretend. Even if you think that the college representatives want to read certain things in an essay, the attempt will not be worth your efforts. They have already read thousands of such texts to recognize any show off immediately. Instead of this, think of the things which describe you more than your standard information about school achievements, social life and maybe work does. The essay gives you the priceless opportunity to show yourself from a different angle, which is not covered by the other documents. Let you be yourself, however, be polite.
- Choose the topic that appeals to you. There is no use to pick something that might sound “burning” if it is not interesting or critical for you. Even if someone considers that writing a Coalition essay on the loud theme like abortions or the death penalty would be good for creating an ideal candidate picture, it won’t work if this theme does not touch your soul, forgive this metaphor.
- Use literary techniques. An essay is not a bureaucratic financial report, it is a story about you and your life with its challenges and beliefs. There is a place for secondary details if they add more life to your story and make it catchy. Tell about your feelings and reflections. Refer to metaphors, allegories, and symbols.
- Proofread your essay – it must be perfect grammatically. First, create a draft and hide it for a couple of days. You need this time to clear your mind and eye. When you return to your text, you will find lots of issues to correct. There will be typos, tense and case issues, phrases which to change or delete completely. Most likely you will want to change some paragraphs and the structure itself because some of the arguments or subjects will be irrelevant. Repeat this in several days again.
- Find beta readers. When the draft of an essay satisfies you, the time to judge it by other people will come. Ask some people you trust to read it, you may refer to your parents, former teachers or coaches, older brothers or sisters. They can comment and suggest some ideas because they have the advantage of the standers-by. With their help, you can also improve your work.
When you get your essay, submit it via the MyCoalition App knowing that you’ve done your best to present yourself. Good luck.
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