Definition of an Analytical Essay

An analytical essay is a student work, a type of summary that is written in free form, and, in fact, it’s the author’s statement on a given topic. However, you should remember that it is not simple summary. In this type of essay you should give an argument or several of them and make their analysis. The choice of topics is very wide and you can write an analytical essay about anything – movie, book, research. And your aim is not summarizing the facts but their analysis.
The purpose of analysis essay is to teach students analyzing certain facts, events, and phenomenon. In the work you present the ting you analyze, give its pros and cons and conduct their analysis.
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Despite its seeming simplicity, an analytical essay gives good results:
1. The student develops creative thinking
2. The way to express your point of view concisely and convincingly
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3. Development of analytical thinking
If you want to write winning essays, read our guide carefully and follow our tips.
Choosing the right topic for your analytical essay
Below you will find 20 winning topic for your future essay:
Essay topics for high school students
- What role does fashion play in life of teenagers
- Why foot players earn so much
- School uniform: do or don’t
- Can we live without modern technologies
- Is it right spending so much money for space studies
- Should the voting age be increased in America
- Capital punishment: should it be used
- Why should humans care of animals and avoid disappearance of their species
- What is there were no rules at all in the world
- At what age should people obtain driving license
Topics in literature
- What morality concept is hidden in Hamlet
- What are the common terms used in literary world
- What hardships people faced during the Great Depression are described in Mice and Man novel
- The Rocking Horse Winner raises questions of money and reed
- Reservation Blues raises questions of poverty people faced in America
- The Lovely Bones novel and human features described therein
- Period of the Civil War described in The Red Badge of Courage
- What questions are raised in Montana 1948 by Larry Watson
- What themes are revealed in The Princess Bride
- A Streetcar Named Desire: conflict between reality and fantasy
How to write an outline for an analytical essay
Thesis is usually written before the rest of the text of your essay. It consists of one or two sentences and contains the main idea of the research.
It always depends on the topic you choose and is never generalized. You should narrow it down to the specific questions covered in your work.
Productive outline of an analytical essay
When you gather the necessary material, analyze it and proceed to designing an outline. A good outline will help you put all the info in order and guide you through the entire process of writing.
No matter which approach to writing your essay you chose, it will consist of 3 main sections: introductory part, body and conclusive part.
Writing an intro part
Introductory part to your analysis essay should aim at attracting attention of your audience. This part should consist of:
- Hook fact
- Thesis
- The proofs of your thesis
The hook is what you use to catch your reader’s attention. This is your chance to attract them to keep reading your essay. It is allowed using different methods – jokes, storytelling, questioning, facts, etc.
Once the hook sentence is done, proceed to composing thesis. In your thesis you should present the subject of your research and give your point of view on it. Using the thesis you should explain the reader the goal and results of your essay.
After that you need to provide proofs of your thesis. If the object of your research is a book, you need to show the methods used by its author to render his ideas. If you describe an event from the history, you should provide the reason for that event.
Writing a body part
Normally, your body part would be divided into several paragraphs. In each paragraphs you should present one question you raise in your essay and our opinion on it.
Writing a conclusive part
Before staring the conclusion you should make sure the body part logically leads to conclusion. For this purpose it is good using transition words and phrases.
In this part you should summarize everything you said above. But you must not copy and paste sentences from other parts of your essay. This is a separate piece of your work. The final sentence or two can be developed in the form of a recommendation or explanation. Using call of action is also a good idea.
5 principles for writing an analysis essay
1. The essay expresses, above all, the point of view of the author, which means that it has a subjective character. Therefore, you should not try to summarize someone else’s opinion on this issue, but express your own opinion and compare it with opinions of others.
2. Despite the fact that your opinion is primarily interesting in the essay, do not forget that you are covering a specific topic, which means that it should be disclosed in the content of the essay. To make sure you are doing good answer the following questions:
– Is the topic fully revealed?
– how accurate are my thoughts?
– how correctly is my essay developed?
3. Oratorical skill is a very important skill for persuading your reader in your opinion. Therefore, your essay should be inspiring, able to convince the reader to accept your way of thinking.
4. Individuality. Nowadays this feature is demanded in almost anything. In terms of essay it means the content should be unique. For your thoughts to be heard, they must be interestingly presented. Therefore, you should pay attention to their literary style and writing skills.
5. Do not forget the details. Any work looks more convincing and weighty, if it contains certain facts, arguments, examples from reliable sources, references to publications. Remember that this part will leave the last impression of your work.
When developing an essay try avoid the following:
- grammatical, spelling, logical errors
- too long, bulky sentences
- too many long or short phrases in a row
- extensive reasoning
- overload with terms.
Turn to professionals for help
In this guide we have put all the essential information for composing a wining analytical essay. Once you are finished with your work read it several times, and ask somebody to read it. Thus you will have a point of view from the side and this will help you correct possible mistakes.
But there are situations when students just don’t have time for this bulky work. And in any case, you cannot afford not doing this task.
In a situation like this you can always get professional help from our online writing service. You will save your time and reputation before your teacher, and present a top quality essay. Our team of professional writers in any field of study is ready to help you 24\7.
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